

centos start-stop-daemon apollo


在CentOS 6.10系统中运行apollo,提示start-stop-daemon: warning: this system is not able to track process names,百度发现,start-stop-daemon是debian的工具,在centos发布版中没有此工具,需要手动编译此工具。网上能找到的文章,基本都是apps-sys-utils-start-stop-daemon-IR1_9_18-2.tar.gz这个版本,但遗憾的是,按照其教程操作后,发现该版本不支持--no-close项,apollo运行脚本仍然无法运行。



[root@vmware-zhy]#wget http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/d/dpkg/dpkg_1.17.27.tar.xz


[root@vmware-zhy]#tar -xf dpkg_1.17.27.tar.xz
[root@vmware-zhy]#cd dpkg-1.17.27
[root@vmware-zhy]#cd utils
[root@vmware-zhy]#cp start-stop-daemon /usr/local/bin/start-stop-daemon



[root@vmware-zhy]#start-stop-daemon --help
Usage: start-stop-daemon [<option> ...] <command>

  -S|--start -- <argument> ...  start a program and pass <arguments> to it
  -K|--stop                     stop a program
  -T|--status                   get the program status
  -H|--help                     print help information
  -V|--version                  print version

Matching options (at least one is required):
     --pid <pid>                pid to check
     --ppid <ppid>              parent pid to check
  -p|--pidfile <pid-file>       pid file to check
  -x|--exec <executable>        program to start/check if it is running
  -n|--name <process-name>      process name to check
  -u|--user <username|uid>      process owner to check

  -g|--group <group|gid>        run process as this group
  -c|--chuid <name|uid[:group|gid]>
                                change to this user/group before starting
  -s|--signal <signal>          signal to send (default TERM)
  -a|--startas <pathname>       program to start (default is <executable>)
  -r|--chroot <directory>       chroot to <directory> before starting
  -d|--chdir <directory>        change to <directory> (default is /)
  -N|--nicelevel <incr>         add incr to the process' nice level
  -P|--procsched <policy[:prio]>
                                use <policy> with <prio> for the kernel
                                  process scheduler (default prio is 0)
  -I|--iosched <class[:prio]>   use <class> with <prio> to set the IO
                                  scheduler (default prio is 4)
  -k|--umask <mask>             change the umask to <mask> before starting
  -b|--background               force the process to detach
  -C|--no-close                 do not close any file descriptor
  -m|--make-pidfile             create the pidfile before starting
    |--remove-pidfile           delete the pidfile after stopping
  -R|--retry <schedule>         check whether processes die, and retry
  -t|--test                     test mode, don't do anything
  -o|--oknodo                   exit status 0 (not 1) if nothing done
  -q|--quiet                    be more quiet
  -v|--verbose                  be more verbose

Retry <schedule> is <item>|/<item>/... where <item> is one of
 -<signal-num>|[-]<signal-name>  send that signal
 <timeout>                       wait that many seconds
 forever                         repeat remainder forever
or <schedule> may be just <timeout>, meaning <signal>/<timeout>/KILL/<timeout>

The process scheduler <policy> can be one of:
  other, fifo or rr

The IO scheduler <class> can be one of:
  real-time, best-effort or idle

Exit status:
  0 = done
  1 = nothing done (=> 0 if --oknodo)
  2 = with --retry, processes would not die
  3 = trouble
Exit status with --status:
  0 = program is running
  1 = program is not running and the pid file exists
  3 = program is not running
  4 = unable to determine status
